Dance Levels

Click here Common Line Dance Steps to familiarize yourself with some basic line dancing steps with Gail.


(Select the hyperlink for each level to be directed to Linedancer WikiDance footwork definitions.)

Absolute Beginner (AB): 

For dancers with absolutely no previous dance experience. Generally has no syncopations, tags, restarts & no more than one turn.  Basic dance terminology.

Beginner (BEG): 

Routines build upon the AB level and suitable for those who have some dance experience.  Additional step patterns may include 2 x 1/4 pivots, travelling chasse, waltz and basic styling techniques.

Improver (IMP):

Refers to choreography that will assume some previous dance experience & basic skills.  Additional step patterns may include rolling grapevines, ronde sweeps, swivets, figure eight turns, syncopations; anchor, coaster, mambo, sailor steps.

Intermediate (INT):

Experienced dancers who have mastered a comprehensive range of step patterns & movements.  Combinations include, pauses, syncopations, body movements, timing variations and styling.

Advanced (ADV):

Choreography contains the full spectrum of step patterns in any combination and will embrace all tempos and rhythms.